Rev. Joel Kotila
Third Vice President
Joel David Kotila was born to Rev. Herman J. and Sylvia E. Kotila on December 6, 1957 in Tomahawk, Wisconsin. He is the fifth of eight children.
- B. A. (1991) Concordia College, St. Paul, MN.; M. Div. (1995) Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN.
- Vicarage, Immanuel Lutheran Church, Bay City, MI (1993-94).
- Congregations:
- Peace Lutheran Church, Cincinnati, OH (1995-2000)
- Trinity and Immanuel Lutheran Churches, Holloway, MN (2000-2006)
- Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Terryville, CT (2006 – present)
- Serving currently in a sustained vacancy (partnership) at St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church, Waterbury, CT (May 2018 – present).
Served vacancies:
- Trinity, Peachgrove, OH, 7/18/98-1/99
- Grace, Correll, MN 10/2002 – 05/2003
More recent service in the church:
- Pastoral Advisor - Central Connecticut Chapter Lutherans For Life (2007-present)
- Pastoral Advisor – Pineshore Bible Camp Committee, Westminster, MA (2011 – 2014)
- Pastor on Staff – “Camp Chief” Pineshore Bible Camp, Westminster, MA (2007-2014)
- Pastoral delegate to Synod Convention in 2004, 2010, and 2016
- Circuit Visitor for Circuit 6 – Region 3 of the New England District (June 2012-2018)
- District Life Coordinator – New England District LCMS (July 2014 - 2015)
- Orphan Grain Train – New England Branch Manager (Nov. 2021-present)
- Third Vice-President New England District—LC-MS (June 2022-present)
Married 35+ years to Kari Lee Kotila; have four grown children (and five grandchildren).