Life Ministry

Each LCMS Life Coordinator is the link between the Synod and the District congregations.

As your New England District (NED) Life Coordinator, my function is to provide information and resources for Pastors and Congregations in our district. (email:

As Lutheran Christians, we are aware that God created all life, and the sanctity of that life. Living in this sinful world, there are many around us who don't share that awareness and it falls on us to be the voices supporting Life - from conception to natural death - in spite of the world's destructive behaviors and attitudes.

If you have questions, suggestions, success stories, or just wish to share any other type of Life story, I am happy to hear and help, if I am able.

If your congregation's Lutherans For Life or LWML group wishes to have the Life Coordinator speak or share resources at your church, please let us know at: (Not available on Sundays.)

During the recently held 40 Days for Life campaign, 331 Lives were saved! The vigil began on February 22nd and ended on Palm Sunday, April 2nd. Please prayerfully consider participating in the Fall campaign.

Watch the speakers at the recently held Connecticut March for Life:

Read about the Connecticut March for Life:

Resources for Pastors and Congregations
Fetal Development Models and Tearpad

The two sides of the Fetal Development sheet (shown below) are perfect resources for teaching your children, grandchildren, and the Sunday school kids about how God creates their bodies while they're "in their Mommys' tummies." When children learn God's truths at young ages, they will not fall victim to those who claim that the unborn are "clumps of cells" or "not human."

Bible Marriage Family

The Bible's Teaching on Marriage and Family is an excellent resource for congregations and each family could be helped by reading and sharing this short booklet.

Pro-life Laws in the United States